
Blog 5 Changes to mystery program

 Hi, I going to talk about my actual career. The curriculum is good, is very long, ten years, because only one instrument you study. The name is Bachelor`s degree in musical interpretation mention clarinet. (only one instrument). But while you study you learn a little of another instrument. all associated classic music. Before or last years, this was online, you can remember pandemic?. But now is face to face. cool. a little complicated, because I am from region. but a little sacrifice. travel three days for week.  The main subject is clarinet. Need change them the curriculum, update, this is very old.  The teachers are four, but only one is your teacher, but the four evaluate you. Good, the faculty facilitate many things, for example schedule, I can study and work. Also internet, a tablet, transport, I can study free, that is important, believe. and a nice experience Use of technology.  Internet free,  tablet, ucursos, ucampus, a  correo institutional. The...

Blog 4 Post-Graduate Studies

Hi, today i am going to the talk a little about my intention to study master. My intention, my dream or i would like to take a master´s program, with a french clarinetist teacher, english clarinetist teacher or portuguese clarinetist teacher. Because, in this semester i took masterclasss here in Chile with a portuguese teacher. His name is Antonio Saiote. The next picture i am with he, in the room San Mateo, Pontificie Universidad Catolica. He know a lot the clarinet instrument, how teacher and repertoire. Because also he know some language. Spanish, Frech and Portuguese, i don´t know if he knows  more language. But he personally knows a lot. And if, i would like to study once i finish my current career, because is important continue always the study.  The subjects what i would like to study are. learn more english, learn more clarinet instrument, the pedagogy of the clarinet instrument and maybe i would like to learn french language. Would you like to study outside of Chile? ...

Blog 3 My dream job

 Hi i will talk a little about my dream job My kind of job what would like to have in the future relly is a profesional clarinetist of orchestra, soloist international or international teacher. Around 2012 i saw a video in youtube, where venezolan clarinetist play a solo of clarinet very beautiful, and there decide study and work with clarinet instrument. Currently this clarinetist is soloist of the Symphony Chile Orchestra. ¡Cool! I need to be constant and persistent about the clarinet for manage my dream job. The salary here in Chile is more or less, but in Europa is better. But that does not worry me, a lot... My carrer is related about my dream job. "Licenciatura en interpretacion musical mención clarinete"  my carrer is the 10 years, is very large, but is it beautiful. And also you can go in with 12 years old. i go in my seventh years... The next picture is the Symphony Chile Orchestra, They are doing a new theater is big  and amazing, this are in Vicuña Mackena near...

The best vacation

 Hi, in this post I am going to the talk a little about my best vacation. when it was. the last best vacation was in the summer of this year. Where you went. Specifically for the coast in region V. VI and VII. We went for much towns also, for example the town of San Javier, Cauquenes Chanco and more. And specifically towns of coast Curanipe, Constitucion, San Antonio, Talcahuano, Cobquecura, Pelancura, Dichato and more. How long it was For three weeks, we left a morning the January and we arrived three weeks after. people you went with. With my mother, father and my dear niece.  Things/activities you did.  We went together with my family  to the beaches, restaurants, tuorist places , churches, plazas, markets and  also cabins. In general enjoy with my family... Why it has been the best so far  Far this is the best vacation because i went with my family together. Any other relevant info the picture is  "rock sea lion", they do too much noise, this rock ...

A country I would like to visit

Country I would like to visit is England Why? because i think that it is a developed country and their royalty is very big. i think that it is the capital of the world and the capital of the football.Its language I believe that it is second more use. I would like to visit their big and beautiful stadium, also their museum i seen pictures the their museums and are surprising. Also their tourist places, their palaces and many more... What do you know about it? I dont not know many more, but... know  their queen is Elizabeth II, she is widow. They have prime minister. They stand in an island. their coin is pound What would you like to do there?  i would like to play my music. go to many places, palaces, stadium and museums also eat in some place the city center the London. And many more... Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain I would like study, work and live there. But I believe that it is expensive, but not impossible. good, i am single without children and young......