Blog 5 Changes to mystery program
Hi, I going to talk about my actual career. The curriculum is good, is very long, ten years, because only one instrument you study. The name is Bachelor`s degree in musical interpretation mention clarinet. (only one instrument). But while you study you learn a little of another instrument. all associated classic music. Before or last years, this was online, you can remember pandemic?. But now is face to face. cool. a little complicated, because I am from region. but a little sacrifice. travel three days for week. The main subject is clarinet. Need change them the curriculum, update, this is very old. The teachers are four, but only one is your teacher, but the four evaluate you. Good, the faculty facilitate many things, for example schedule, I can study and work. Also internet, a tablet, transport, I can study free, that is important, believe. and a nice experience Use of technology. Internet free, tablet, ucursos, ucampus, a correo institutional. The...